AI technology: a massive disruption to industry

 The well-known Hollywood film IRobot debuted in theaters in 2004. The interaction between humans and robots was explored in this film. A robot that looks and acts like a human is in the movie.

The film was described as a fantasy that might take fifty years to come to pass. The movie has evolved into a virtual reality in fifteen years. Not only are robots gorgeous, but they are also clever. Their performance skills are astounding. The world is in shock at the capability and pace of machine learning.

Hollywood protests have been the erratic reaction. Marketplace rebellion. management-related fears. Of all the technologies, artificial intelligence (AI) has been the most unjustly and grudgingly adopted. Organizations are stuttering when attempting to communicate their conflicting emotions about it.

Industries are trembling, unsure of their continued existence. Because of their fear of being replaced by this formidable rival, workers have gone on strike. Considered a marvel by some, a horror by others. Everyone is speculating and looking forward. While most are still waiting, some are making plans.

Behind this technological maelstrom, who is it? The man credited with creating artificial intelligence, or AI, is none other than Geoffery Hinton. When he was researching neural networks to see if the brain could be replicated in 1977, his failure led to the development of artificial intelligence.

The largest revolution in computers is AI. For many years, computers were based on the idea that people needed to be knowledgeable in order to write scripted software that machines could follow, as machines are incapable of learning on their own. Human intelligence was the highest of all.

Not anymore. Programs can be learned and written by machines. It's both thrilling and terrifying. It's frightening and difficult. It's a potentially explosive technological disruption. What are the thrills and chills that the world is currently obsessed with in relation to AI?

1. The procedures will go faster, however... Indeed, ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence, is quicker, smarter, more analytical, and more focused on results than people. The process of gathering information used to take much longer to browse; now, it only takes microseconds.

You can expedite procedures like data entry, invoice processing, and appointment booking in a matter of seconds by utilizing AI-powered bots and software.

This lowers the possibility of human error while also speeding up workflows, freeing up staff members' time and energy for more creative, strategic projects that promote expansion.

Productivity increases dramatically. For instance, creating a movie now only requires entering the correct brief into AI processors; three finished versions of the video are available to you in three seconds, whereas previously the process took months to compile photographs, write subtitles, and edit.

Advice: Acquire knowledge and prepare for the impact of AI; don't run from it; accept it. Learn about how AI is changing the world, your business, and your employment.

75 million jobs would be lost to AI by 2022, according to a forecast by the World Economic Forum. Nonetheless, it has produced 133 million more. That is a net job creation of 58 million. Take on one of these roles. Start automating data entry, search, and other tasks. This will free up time for you to concentrate on more comprehensive problem solutions and upskill. This will put you in the spotlight among forward-thinking, proactive team members.

2. Where is the limit if the machines are becoming more intelligent? Artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms have the ability to quickly and accurately sort through massive amounts of data, revealing complex patterns and insights that would otherwise remain hidden.

Your company will be able to make better judgments, customize marketing plans, spot new trends, and adjust to the quickly changing market conditions by utilizing these information. Where are the limits of AI's incursion lie if it permeates every aspect of company operations? The question that has to be addressed is that one. the jurisdictional dilemma. The ethical dilemma, etc.

Recommendation: The senior leadership team should prioritize AI and its effects on businesses rather than leaving it to the IT department. After receiving training on the effects of AI, team members must plan how to recognize, take advantage of, and overcome the opportunities and difficulties presented by the technology.

3. What will people do if they take on all the tasks? AI is almost as capable as humans, but not quite. It can process mountains of data in minutes that would take months for human workers across several teams to handle. In addition to sorting data, it performs data analytics more quickly than any team in the field. With only a few clicks, it generates the same kind of predictive forecasts and pattern analysis that once allowed specialists to make their living. Where are all these people who worked in customer analysis, software development, procurement, and operations going to end up?

Recommendation: In response to a labor disagreement with the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP), the Writers Guild of America (WGA), which represents 11,500 screenwriters, went on strike.AI for scripts was one of the things that was struck, among other things. Imagine people attacking robots or other machines with weapons. Will the issue be resolved by it? It did, at least in the short term, as the Writer's Guild benefited from the revised package. Is it a long-term fix, though? No. They will undoubtedly lose their jobs if they attempt to combat AI as an enemy. They must figure out way to control this beast. Re-skilling and upskilling in areas that the machine cannot perform is the only long-term solution for any job that the machine is replacing.

4-Who will be in charge of the world if robots replace humans? The machine's ability to learn is advancing at an astonishing rate. The Godfather of unintentional AI, Geoffrey Hinton, stated in a recent interview that he is unsure if these machines would continue to be controlled by humans or if they will eventually take control of both. Robots now have levels of communication thanks to Hinton's neural networks.

According to him, AI is more intelligent and knowledgeable. It's not limited to the learning algorithm alone. Unlike the prior reliance on humans, the machines write and modify their own code when interacting with data.

This is dangerous because it might lead to security code breaks and put the entire planet in jeopardy. Hinton believes that because machines would be so intelligent, they will persuade system controllers not to switch them off, in response to the question of why humans will not be able to turn off the system to deactivate the machine.

Suggestions: Organizations such as the World Economic Forum and similar ones should advocate for the UN and other international organizations to prioritize AI. These organizations must conduct worldwide research and studies of its detrimental effects. They then put pressure on the international community to enact treaties in order to stop the machines' capacity to instigate strife, war, and devastation.

The robot that saved Detective Spooner during a car accident is depicted in the IRobot movie. For the robot to save the eleven-year-old girl, Spooner yelled at it. The robot ignored her and continued to save Spooner since his survival rate was higher than the girl's, at 45% versus 11%.

This was how human passion could never triumph over cold, robotic reasoning. The question still stands: even though AI will outsmart humans in terms of intelligence, do human judgments generally make sense? No. Roughly 85% of human actions are illogical and driven by peculiar, occasionally unexplainable circumstances. The difficulty for robots will be to configure and grasp the inexplicable nature that is a part of being human as they get more intelligent and sophisticated.

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