Microsoft updates Visual Studio Preview with AI-powered renaming suggestions.

With the paid GitHub Copilot Chat extension for Visual Studio Preview, users can now use AI to propose names for variables, methods, and classes. Microsoft stated that the extension considers your code style and identifier usage to "propose identifiers that seamlessly fit your codebase," as opposed to just making a name suggestion.

Naming your code's various components is essential to knowing what it does when you return to it later. When working in a team, it's also beneficial because other team members will be able to comprehend what's happening more clearly.

You only need to select an identifier and right-click to utilize the new tool. You then select Rename to see a list of recommendations specific to your code. Simply hit Enter after you've found a suggestion you like.

You must have a subscription to GitHub Copilot. This costs $10 per month for individual users or $100 annually for Copilot Business, $19 per user per month for Copilot Enterprise, and $39 per user per month for Copilot Business.

Make sure you have the most recent version of Visual Studio Preview installed, a GitHub Copilot subscription, and, if already installed, update the GitHub Copilot Chat extension before beginning to use this feature.

Next, you must select "Enable rename suggestions" under Options > GitHub > Copilot chat. The business stated that it is interested in knowing how this feature affects your coding process.

The most recent example of how AI is assisting programmers in writing better code is its capacity to generate appropriate names for variables, methods, and classes. Although AI isn't really useful for developing software on its own, it can be an aid.

Being one of the first commercially viable generative AI applications, GitHub Copilot is an intriguing product as well. Tech companies will most likely discover new avenues to market generative AI tools in the future.

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